Posted in Travel

The Craziness of Comic Con!!

This was the year, Hepskie and I finally went to Comic Con…and it was awesome!!!

We had no idea what we were going into so decided not to dress up and instead marvel (pun not actually intended) at everyone else’s.

Below are my top tips on how to make the most of Comic Con – whether it is your first or your 100th. comic-con-22

  • If, like us, you decide not to dress, do not worry. Only about 50% of the people full on dress up (Cosplay), everyone else either just goes for a hint of dress up (I wore a Harry Potter t-shirt) or just every day clothes.
  • With reference to the above, most importantly, be comfy! If you are wearing heels then bring some flats to change into and if your outfit is lacking material then bring a coat or jumper.
  • Do not judge other peoples outfits. Everyone is different; they have different styles and vary in confidence. Encourage with smiles but do not over do flattery (it can be creepy)
  • Feel safe and make others feel safe. I have never felt safer in a large crowd than at Comic Con. There is no imposing police or security, just the subtle hint of safety. Please keep it this way and do not create a reason for anxiety.comic-con-6
  • Plan your journey. Most Comic Con’s take place just out of town as that is where the larger venues are. Make sure you know how to get there to avoid rushing or panicking but if you do get lost, keep an eye out for some awesomely dressed people and follow.
  • Get there early… but not too early! There are varieties of reasons for this: firstly, you want to miss the rush. Hepskie and I got there at about 11.30 so after the early birds and just after the main rush; we only queued for about 10/15 minutes. Secondly, you want a chance to survey the area before really getting into it and buying stuff (my next point).
  • Browse first! It can be extremely overwhelming when you first arrive, hundreds of stalls and hundreds of people. Wander around, take everything in, browse the stalls and assess. I found this really helped me think about what I wanted to get from the event.comic-con-17
  • Take a break after the browse. Find a wall (do not lean) and collapse. Have a snack and a drink. Keep hydrated as it gets really hot in there.
  • Following on from the above, bring your own food and drink. As usual with these events, the food can be quite expensive so pack some snacks to keep you going.
  • Bring cash. There are cash machines however the queues can be quite long, so don’t miss out of the event by standing and waiting. Most of the stalls are owned by small businesses or just a single person so not everyone will have card machines; cash is just easier.
  • Ask before taking pictures. Be polite and do not just throw your camera in the faces of the attendants. Simply make eye contact, smile and point at your camera, most should smile and nod so snap away (You can also speak to these people but I understand that this isn’t always easy)
  • HAVE FUN 😀 😀 😀 

Have fun our geeky (and not so geeky) friends!

Until next time

Flossy and Hepskie xxx


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